Color is not Your Race

In heaven black people will no longer be black, as nothing is black there. Now before you start burnin’ down the hood or robbing a Nordstrom that you never shopped at, understand that white people will not be white as we know it. Everyone will be the translucent white described for centuries by those who have seen angels or been to heaven, with a shimmer of various colors emanating from it as they are the colors of the light spectrum. There is no such thing as black light.

Doesn’t matter how you feel about that, heaven is not yours. It’s the House of Jesus, it is His home. We don’t get to vote for him, He is letting us in. If you don’t want to submit to His authority which is why you were saved, then there’s only one other place to go, where everyone is naked and ashamed, scared to death in chains and screaming. Billions of people screaming, that’s what hell is filled with. We see everything appearing from heaven in the Bible to be this bright blinding white light.

Don’t believe me, hundreds of testimonies of heaven and hell have been around for decades from people who’ve been there. If you refuse to believe Jesus was born of a virgin, walked on the water and was raised from the dead, then you won’t believe in hell and may not even believe in heaven. Believing isn’t something proven to you, believing is a test for you. Will you believe what God says or what the world says.

White lives matter, brown lives matter, red lives matter and yes even black lives matter, but not because of rebellious ignorant children having a tantrum. There is only one way that any lives matter. Jesus died so that all lives matter, but that is only in Him. Without Christ your life does not matter. If you know Jesus, then your life is in Christ not in your color.

The entire earth is made up of people living among their own tribes. China is not filled with people from Sweden, the Congo isn’t full of Mexicans. It has been this way since the tower of Babel. It is God himself who has given different peoples different strengths and weaknesses that compliment each other. God did that.

Racism is not preferring the differences of a particular tribe. Racism is thinking your differences make you superior, or the differences of others make them inferior. If all men were the same color they would still be filled with the very worst sin, which is Pride.

Listen to me now and be clear on this, there is no great advantage called white privilege. That’s just a modern term coined by liberals and rising minority anarchists, who not only hate government, they hate the God who created it. All complaints end up on His desk, and this foolishness has gone on long enough. Color is not your race, Faith is your race.

Oh there is great advantage and it belongs to God, but it has nothing to do with being white. It happened to come through the white tribes, but anybody can get in on it. You just have to come to Jesus and you have to do what He says. Well the ones who are rebelling don’t want to do that, so they’re having a fit. That’s what riots are, a mob having a fit, no matter what color. Judgment has come.

If you believe in Jesus then you’re already among those that have the only true Advantage on earth. Making everyone else who believes in Jesus your brother or sister in Christ, which are the only people who are right now becoming the sons of God. The Bible says when Jesus appears we will see Him and see them, for what we are becoming has not yet been revealed, but will be very soon.

Brother Greg

Growing Up In Christ

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